What We OFFER Now
Multilingual (6 language)
Playground Small
Fun Space

What's our PLAN (Mission)

Improve Standards -> Add Senior School -> Add University -> Expand Pan-India
Improve Standards
Improve Standards

Improve current School framework standards like classroom facility, library, playground, acquire more land, add boarding facility, hire staff for accountability and put system in place etc.

Add Senior School
Add Senior School

Add Senior school by 2023-2024. Add facility for laboratory, incubator for skills based training and setting up SME. Improve on setting up system, process, automation, add bigger classrooms, etc

Add University
Add University

Add University by 2025-2030. Add Temples and focus on spiritual and vedic teachings, Setup college for Reasearch and Technologies, Focus on vedic business to support community.

Expand Pan-India
Expand Pan-India

Expand University to 5 major regions of India namely North, West, South, East-Northeast, and Central by 2031-2035.

What's our GOAL (Vision)

Ram Rajaya -> Vedic Scholars -> Academia -> Entrepreneurs
Improve Standards
Ram Rajya

Our aim is to bring back the lost Ram Rajya. Sri Rama is the ideal ruler whose image has dominated the long history of India from the earliest era. He is the avatar of Dharma, which is right action, holding to truth and duty as supreme, not personal power and desire. Ram Rajya is the land of Dharma, poetically described as a realm of peace, harmony and happiness for young and old, high and low, all creatures and the earth itself, in recognition of a shared universal consciousness. Ram Rajya is not simply an ideal of the past but of all time, and reminds us of the glory of ancient India and its noble traditions. The message of the Ramayana is the need to hold to dharmic values, karma yoga and respect for the sacred nature of all life, even when it may cause personal loss or require self-abnegation. If we do so, as in the case of Lord Rama, all the forces of nature will come to our defense. We certainly need a new ideal of Ram Rajya to fight the many new Ravanas.

Add Senior School
Vedic Scholars

We wish to produce vedic scholars. Scholars of the Vedas, often considered to be the root of Hinduism. The basic requirement to become a Vedic scholar is to study the Chaturdasha Vidyas. There are four Vedas: the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda. Each Veda has four subdivisions – the Samhitas (mantras and benedictions), the Aranyakas (text on rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices and symbolic-sacrifices), the Brahmanas (commentaries on rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices), and the Upanishads (texts discussing meditation, philosophy and spiritual knowledge). Some scholars add a fifth category – the Upasanas (worship). The texts of the Upanishads discuss ideas akin to the heterodox sramana-traditions.

Add University

We want to create Academia where our graduates from college and Universities will get platform to do research and entrepreneurship in collaboration with Goverment and Industry. Researchers would get Goverment support to fund academic research, frame national policies, create central repositories, patent licensing, estabilishing innovation incubators, setup industrial park, resource sponsorship, infrastructural support, conferences, workshop and trainings etc. Students would get Industry research opportunities, industry training opportunities, research grants placements. We wish to create ecosystem where our students will be rich in technical skills, lateral thinking skills, understanding of system dynamics, preparing project deliverables, highly trained individuals, innovative ideas. Academia with help of industry will supervise students in projects, provide corporate training, support and finance projects, provide resource sharing platform.

Expand Pan-India

We want to create great entrepreneurs and would be supporting startups via Incubators and Accelarators program. We want to boost our students with all the abilities, managerial skills, provide innovation environment, financial support, leadership skills, calculated risk takers, big thinkers, business transformers, visionaries, decision makers, Practice accountablity, act with humility, is resilient, takes ownership of his actions.

Our Current Facilities

Tree Classrooms -> Playground -> Library -> Meeting Room -> Hostel -> Dinning Room
Tree Classroom
Tree Classroom

Teaching under tree reduces stress, improves Health conditions and improves mood for learning.


We have big playground for students of all age to play sports


We have Library of books for various topics for all age.

Volvo Bus
Conference Room

We have conference rooms for meetings and presentations.

Enquiry Form

About Us

The Veena Vadini Public School was established in the year 1999 with vision and philosphy of Swami Vivekananda, who was a Hindu monk and one of the most celebrated spiritual leaders of India.

The Veena Vadini Public School is affiliated to the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) and has Junior and Middle School i.e, Class 1-8. It's more than a school where we teach Ambidexterity, Yoga, Multilingualism, Sports, Plantation and Academics. We soon plan to add Music, Dance, Vedas, Etiquette skills, Thinking skills, IT skills, Cooking, Community Service and Martial Arts. The purpose of school is to teach and expose students to all dimensions of life. At the moment we have Junior and Middle School but soon plan to add Senior School.

Ambidexterity is the ability to use both the right and left hand equally well. When referring to objects, the concept indicates that the object is equally suitable for right-handed and left-handed people. This is a unique school in the World where children are taught to write with the left and right hands, some taking notes in two languages at the same time. The Veena Vadini Public School in Budhela, Singrauli district of Madha Pradesh, has been training young students to write with both hands simultaneously. Please note that globally only one percent of the population is ambidextrous.

The founder of Veena Vadini Public School, Birangad Prasad Sharma, claims his students are twice as fast as others thanks to their ability. Mr. Sharma is an Ex Army man. The scholars from USA, Canada, Australia, South Korea, UK, China and UAE have visited the school to do a research on ambidexterity.

The new students practice writing with both hands in 15 minutes interval, and then use both the hands. In few days, they usually get adept at writing with both hands. Please note that these students can write in six different languages like Hindi, English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Arabic, and Roman. They can write answers of different subjects at the same time. For example they can write with the right hand Geography and with left science! If regular students write a paper in three hours, these students can finish it in maximum one hour or one and a half hours.

Apart from teaching the general curriculum, the school encourages its students to become multi linguistic learn different languages, and a majority of the students are able to read and write English, Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit. The students are trained in Yoga regularly because Mr. Sharma believes in the power of Yoga. It promotes brain activities significantly; it boosts brain power and sharpens memory skills. They are trained equally well in physical training also. It’s one of its kind schools which in true sense give its students all round training.

The Veena Vadini Public School can give the world bright future through their extra brilliant students.

The student passed out from our school will be,
Brave, Respectful & Faithful
Spiritual, Responsible & Peacekeeprs
Knowledgable, Intelligent & Multitalented
Global Thinkers, Innovators & Enterprenuers

Our School Core Values are,
a) Equality: We are all equal performing different duties
b) Respectful: We respect every individual
c) Passionate: We are commited to give our best
d) Innovative: We always find better ways of doing things
e) Community Love: We support our community

About Us

What Our Well-Wisher Say

Ranbahadur singh

Am greatfull to study at Veena vadini school as their way of teaching is amazing. Specially my Ambidexterity skill is helping me a lot in my higher education as my speed for writing and thinking has tremendously increased. I want to say thankyou to BP SIR for bringing this revolution.

Ranbahadur singh
Pradeep Kumar Sharma

Veena vadini school will always remain pleasurable movement of my life. They teach in a environment which is very friendly for all round development of any student. A student can learn a lot of new skills here. Overall it is an incredible ambidextrous school.

Pradeep Kumar Sharma
Ajeet Kumar Dubey

I am very grateful to all teachers, coordinator and principal. Good effort by all teachers. Encouraging students to write with both hands making write and think quiker. Students learn 6 languages that help them grow faster in global community.

Ajeet Kumar Dubey 
Awnish Sharma

There are many benefits of studying in this school. Our writing ability increases, both hands start working equally and the ability to think also increases. In this way a different kind of experience develops in us.

Awnish Sharma
Student(2004), Now Teacher


We want to provide resources and environment to create confident talented unique leaders to make Indians proud

For health and safety our students follow below guidelines,
a) Do not come to school if you’re feeling unwell
b) Only vaccinated students are allowed to come to school
c) When provide classes under tree for best ventilation
d) We follow other local, national health and travel guidelines
e) Even if students are fully vaccinated, we keep up protective measures including keeping at least 1m away from others when possible, wearing a mask that fully covers your nose, mouth and chin, covering your coughs and sneezes, and keeping your hands clean. Take extra masks, alcohol-based hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes with you when you come to school.
Study safely! 

We ensure that experienced teachers teaches their core subject to give best knowledge and exposure

We provide best resources possible for students mental, physical and spiritual growth.

a) School opens from 8am to 3pm
b) You can communicate to us via email, web chat and or whatsapp
c) We will revert to your message asap

a) We provide student admission on first come basis
b) School fees needs to be payed either on quaterly or annual basis
c) Parents should provide their contact mobile number and email
d) You can fill admission form offline and online.
e) You can pay by cheque or online

Corporate Head office

Madhya Pradesh
Gram Budhela, Post Pondi Naugai, Waidhan, Singrauli - 486886, Distt Singrauli

info@veenavadinipublicschool.com jobs@veenavadinipublicschool.com

Call: +91 9826888286 

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